Congratulations to all 37 of our spring 2020 graduates! As we say goodbye to these students we welcome them to our alumni - a rich and vibrant group of arts practitioners, professionals and administrators paving the future of the arts in a wide range of arts education and policy related fields.
In light of these unprecedented times which impose restrictions on large public gatherings, Ohio-State is unable to host their traditional spring commencement ceremony. These circumstances should not detract from the monumentality of of these students' accomplishment. AAEP encourages our students to find a way to mark this day differently and to do so with friends and family, even if it is at a distance. There are multiple ways in which students may participate with the Ohio State community including through Arts and Sciences Send-Off on Saturday, May 2nd at noon and through Ohio State’s Virtual Commencement on Sunday, May 3rd beginning at noon. The ASC Send-Off will feature remarks from Executive Dean Gretchen Ritter and ASC faculty members. Ohio State’s virtual commencement will feature Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. This virtual event in no way limits or excludes a future live commencement ceremony. The university will plan and hold such a celebration for members of the spring class of 2020, their families and guests at a time that is both safe and practical.
Spring 2020 Graduates
Elle (Eleanor) Pierman

Hometown: Columbus, OH
Degree: PhD in Arts Administration, Education and Policy
Specialization: Disability Studies
Awards and recognition:
- 2018 - Graduate Associate Teaching Award (GATA), The Ohio State University
- 2018 - AAEP Outstanding GTA Award, The Ohio State University
Favorite AAEP course: "Even though it had nothing to do with my research, my study abroad course to Chile (ARTEDU 7795) with Dr. Lawson was my favorite -I had never been to South America prior, and it was amazing to see what the arts sector could look like in a different culture and in an emerging democracy."
Favorite Ohio State memory: "There are honestly too many to choose from -football games, department events where we all got together to hang out without the pressure of classes, the feeling when I passed my dissertation defense! Even though it's not a single memory, I think my favorite part of Ohio State is all of the amazing people I've met -professors, staff, and students alike -and all of the friendships I've developed with people who constantly inspire me. I can't express how grateful I am to have been part of such a supportive department, and I will miss you all so much! Go Bucks!"
Sharbreon Plummer

Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA
Degree: PhD in Arts Administration, Education and Policy
Awards and recognition:
- 2020 Manuel Barkan Dissertation Fellow, Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy, The Ohio State University
- The Ohio State University Sesquicentennial Scholar
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 7767: Critical Analysis of Multicultural Art Education
Favorite Ohio State memory: "The first time I saw the leaves change colors on the trees across campus (aka experiencing a REAL autumn!)."
Shannon Thacker Cregg

Hometown: Houston, TX
Degree: Master of Arts in Art Education
Specialization: Museum Education and Administration
Awards and recognition:
- 2019 - Council of Graduate Students Career Development Grant, The Ohio State University
- 2019 - Arts and Humanities Small Research Grant, The Ohio State University
- 2019 - Diversity Intercultural Community Engagement Certificate, The Ohio State University
- 2018 - University Fellow, The Ohio State University
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 7735: Art Museum History, Theory and Practice
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Participating in the exhibition Assemblage(curated by Dr. Dana Carlisle Kletchka) at Urban Arts Space that featured art by students, faculty, and alumni of AAEP was very special."
Ronnie Carlson
Hometown: Dunedin, FL
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Music, Media and Enterprise
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5795: Seminar on Topical Issues with Dr. Skaggs
Favorite Ohio State memory: "All the times spent with the incredible people I met here."
Ryan Clark

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Nonprofit Management, Design Thinking
Awards and recognition:
- 2017, 2018, 2019 - Veteran Community Advocate for Undergraduate Admissions, The Ohio State University
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5671: Organizational Leadership in the Nonprofit Arts with Dr. Kletchka
Favorite Ohio State memory: "The first day of transfer student orientation. It was around 7:30 AM pouring down rain and my first time on campus. I had to run between buildings and entrances (anything I could use as cover from the rain) to find the building where orientation was being held. It was a rough start but looking back on it now makes me laugh and will always be a funny memory from OSU that I look back on."
Rachael Farber

Hometown: Naperville, IL
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5683: Developing Art Careers: Positioning Passion
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Hearing 'Carmen Ohio' for the first time as a freshman. I'm from out of state and nobody in my family is an OSU alum so I was really unfamiliar with the school's culture and traditions. Something about swaying along to the alma mater made me feel really at home here."
Maddie Farlow
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management and Psychology major)
Minor: Music, Media and Enterprise
Ben Fisher
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management and Theatre major)
Drew Halford

Hometown: Toledo, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major and Economics major)
Awards and recognition:
- 2019 - John Glenn Fellow, The Ohio State University
- Research Distinction in Arts Management, The Ohio State University
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5684: Arts Participation, Cultural Literacy, and Audience Development
Favorite Ohio State memory: "AAEP’s 2018 trip to Arts Advocacy Day in Washington."
Skylar Harris
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management and Communications major)
Minor: Music, Media and Enterprise and German
Lizzie (Elizabeth) Howald

Hometown: North Canton, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major and Studio Arts major)
Awards and recognition:
- Snow Art Scholarship, Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy, The Ohio State University
- 2020 - Summa Cum Laude
- 2019-2020 - Bachelor of Arts Exhibition, The Ohio State University
- 2019 - Scholarship Exhibition, The Ohio State University
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5671: Organizational Leadership in the Nonprofit Arts
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Curating my first show, Thinking Abstractly, at the City Center Gallery."
Makenzie Knapp

Hometown: Pickerington, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5683: Developing Art Careers: Positioning Passion
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Attending 2019's Arts Advocacy Day in Washington, DC with my peers."
Ellie Lawson
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Music, Media and Enterprise
Mina Lee
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Communication Technology
Rebecca Malinowski

Hometown: Elyria, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: English and Theatre
Awards and recognition:
- Made Dean's List for all eight semesters at Ohio State
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5683: Developing Art Careers: Positioning Passion
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Getting to experience the amazing and collective feeling of being a Buckeye at our Saturday football games in the Shoe."
Breanna Malone
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Studio Art
Fiona Minich
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: History of Art and History
Karina Nelson
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: History of Art
Cartier Pitts
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Dance, Spanish, and Music, Media and Enterprise
Emily Rowlett

Hometown: North Royalton, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Dance and Professional Writing
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5795: Seminar on Topical Issues in Art Education focusing on 21st Century Museum Issues taught by Nannette Maciejunes
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Beating Michigan (twice)!"
Melina Taylor
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management and English major)
Devin Van Dross

Hometown: Woodbridge, NJ
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Music, Media and Enterprise
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5684: Arts Participation, Cultural Literacy, and Audience Development
Favorite Ohio State memory: "There were so many great experiences with so many amazing personalities that it is impossible to pick!"
Isabel Wening

Hometown: Toledo, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Music and Communications
Awards and recognition:
- Made the Dean's List every semester at Ohio State
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 5795: Seminar on Topical Issues with Dr. Skaggs
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Attending the National Arts Action Summit in 2018 and 2019 with my friends in the AAEP department!"
Lena West
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Music, Media and Enterprise and Italian
Sarah Yankovich
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management major)
Minor: Business and Dance
Lily Anderson
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Kirstin Burnette

Hometown: Gallipolis, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Awards and recognition:
- 2020 - Magna Cum Laude
- Sara Jane Pyne Memorial Scholarship, Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy, The Ohio State University
- Morrill Scholar, The Ohio State University
- Made Dean's List seven semesters at Ohio State
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 4100: Processes of Making and Responding to Art
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Attending the BIG TEN championship games in Indianapolis, IN."
Mary Costello
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Kordell Hunt
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Joanna Junkans
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Ashley Littlefield

Hometown: Anna, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Awards and recognition:
- 2020 - Summa Cum Laude
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 4100: Processes of Making and Responding to Art
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Glassblowing shenanigans and backpacking trip."
Mariah McKeen

Hometown: Kent, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 4400: Art Education for Children with Special Needs
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Dancing at the Holi Color Dance."
Shelby Sarisky
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Lindsey Schmidt
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Noah Scott
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Mary Tarantine

Hometown: Columbus, OH
Degree: Bachelor of Art Education
Awards and recognition:
- Graduating with Latin honors, cum laude
Favorite AAEP course: ARTEDUC 4100: Processes of Making and Responding to Art
Favorite Ohio State memory: "Growing into future art educators with my cohort."
Andrea Noall
Program: Art Education Licensure Only