Online MA in Art Education Students and Faculty present at NAEA Pre-convention

A panel of students, faculty, and staff representing Ohio State’s Online MA in Art Education Program presented “The Role of Research in Quality Distance Learning in Higher Education” at the 2023 NAEA Pre-Convention. This presentation explored how research and evidence-based practices inform the development of quality and innovative online courses. AAEP’s Online MA in Art Education has a history of providing quality distance education in which faculty research interests shape the program’s curriculum, course design, and approaches to teaching. Thinking about the design and implementation of an online program as a research site and the faculty, students, and university course designers as the research team, the panelists considered how different research interests intersect in this common virtual space, both transforming it and being transformed by it.
The panel included Megan Decatur, a recent graduate of the program, who described how she applies what she learned in the program about Universal Design for Learning in her elementary school classroom. Current student Mario D’Agostino described the positive impact of reflective practice on his research and teaching in higher education. Co-panelist Ruth Smith’s research on critical reflective practices and relationship building in virtual spaces informs her approach to designing and teaching online courses. Dr. jt Eisenhauer Richardson’s course designs incorporate UDL and disability studies to create accessible and flexible learning experiences. In addition, Jeremie Smith, Distance Learning Coordinator for Ohio State’s College of Arts and Sciences, provided an overview of how research and evidence-based practices inform the development process for distance learning courses at Ohio State. Dr. Ryann Patrus shared how in her role as an instructional designer, she collaborates with faculty to develop inclusive and accessible learning environments.